More Kawai Touko <3

And because I love yaoi so much I'm going to give ya all two more mangas to read from the great Kawai Touko


You should read


This one is about the young pianist Yuuya and his (well whatever he now is) Kiriya-san and how they feel. And for once not their love but their compassion for each other.

This is actually one of my favorites and I can't seem to get enough of it.





If you are up to even more drama, drama to the length that you will cry and throw you computer out the window!

I don't think any manga except Boys Love ever have made me feel so much <//3


The story in short is:

two boys meet under strange circumstanses, one of them is in a sexual relationship with his step father who has a sweet spot for S&M. The other one who's past is to horrifying to even speak of...

Can two so broken persons really love and how can this possibly end?


Read Cut at



Well then, I'm off to bed after reading some more yaoi, hopefully a yaoi splendid enough to recommend it here.

Oyasumi kawaii kodomo <3


// マダムレッド


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