

I'll keep this short.

This is and will forever be a yaoi blogg, that means I will (no matter your personal opinion) write about boys love. I'll recommend animes webbpages and so on.


From time to time some yuri might pop up but don't count on it.


I love yaoi and the authors who writes it and will not accept any shit. Okay? ^^

If you don't like my blogg, then don't read it.


So, then that's cleared out.


Moving on then :3

I'm not from an English speaking country so my English may not be the best but I wanted to writ in English to reach as many as possible, and also I want to improve in English.

So don't complain about my English, it's just childish, ne? ^^


Oh dear, I sound like a BITCH, well thats not the case, I'm a happy geek and I love it (and the beautiful boys <3)

Well then, Yōkoso to my precious blogg

// マダムレッド


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