Kannazuki No Miko

Yahooo mina!

Gomene, but I've had a total writing/blogg block. But I'm back on track now! (I think)


So now I suppose you want some smexy yaoi? ;)


BUT YOUR NOT GONNA GET IT!! ;D Cuz today you'll learn to appriciate the family and I'm not talking about hentai or that s**t but YURI!! WIIIIEEE >:3


So the first hole yuri I saw was Kannazuki no miko and ah how sweet it is <3


And it goes a little something like this: Himemiya Chikane is cool and aloof, the perfect young lady of good breeding. Kurusegawa Himeko is devoted to her, and secretly her friend. Their lives are undisturbed in their school, until an ancient evil suddenly rears its head. To combat it, Chikane and Himeko must take on the roles of shrine maidens of the Moon and Sun. (the plot is from http://www.animefushigi.com)


And though the robots destroys sooo much (se pic for explanation -____-) it's still good, and beautifully painted :3


So go here and watch it ^w^ http://www.animefushigi.com/anime/kannazuki-no-miko <3


// マダムレッド


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